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Marzoq Mohammed is a 50-year-old Blind man who lives with his wife and their eight children in a small village house in Lahj. His blindness is caused by a genetic illness like many other residents of his village.

He welcomed us to his home with a big smile, holding his youngest of children (a two-year-old boy named ‘Farhan’), going through a small main house door passing next to a small empty room his family uses as a kitchen, there we sat and talked.

Although farming is the main trade of my father and my grandfather before him, now it has become hard for me to work as a farmer after the conflict,” Marzouq said, and followed by explaining of how the recent conflict has affected this trade, and even after the conflict has ended in the area, the lack of resources and the price rise of the farming requirements have made it harder for him to provide for his family, “No one will hire a blind man to work in their farms you know, and we are a family of ten” continued Marzouq.

The village of Ber Kadamah Is one of the most neglected areas in Lahj because of its rural nature and its distance from the main road. But now it was covered by the General Food Distributions since the beginning of the project, funded by WFP and implemented by FMF to make sure that its residents are more secured food-wise.

Marzouq and his wife have eight children, six boys, and two girls; Mohammad is the oldest (17), then Hasan, Mahasen, Hassan, Subait, Samah, Naser, and Farhan.

Mohammad and Hasan’s high school is at a very far distance from their village they cannot walk there.

I couldn’t afford to pay for my children’s schools and transportation before, but now I can, because of the Food Distributions provided to me and my family,” Marzouq said. He explained how hard it was for him not having enough income to barely provide food for his family let alone afford schooling his children, but now thanks to the positive impact of the project, his circumstances have changed for the better “Now all my kids go to school” Marzouq added, with a smile.

He thanked WFP and FMF for the food provided, the care, time and effort spent on the selection of the people in need, then added:

“My family and I are very thankful for this project and the changes it brought to our lives, and we wish that it continues for the coming future“.

We left his house with him having a look of serenity on his face as Farhan was waving to us goodbye while holding a stuffed animal in his other hand.

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