In cooperation with Handicap International, a training course “Comprehensive Inclusion in Humanitarian Work” was held in the Field Medical Foundation, which targets programs and project managers, as well as M&E officers in the foundation.
It aims to enhance the positive attitude of employees working in the community to integrate people with a relationship who are at risk of exclusion in an equal and dignified manner, then applying the lessons in planning and delivering a comprehensive humanitarian response.
The course included the definition of a number of concepts, including:
– The definition of disability
– Identification and selection of beneficiaries with disabilities
-Assistance to persons with disabilities
-The concept of vulnerability/ weakness
-Inclusion in humanitarian work
– Global frameworks and guidelines that promote and encourage comprehensive humanitarian actions
-The use of the two-track approach to promote the principle Inclusiveness in humanitarian actions
– Identifying and removing obstacles to the inclusion of the most vulnerable groups in humanitarian work.

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